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Saturday 13 October 2007

Counter Strike

Finally, the post which I have been longing to write. Counter Strike, one of the earliest games featuring 1st person play involving two sides- the Counter-terrorists and the Terrorists. Beautiful and rather realistic gunplay coupled with above-average graphics make this shooting game one of the all time favourites.

There are three types of mission in CS, namely Bomb defusal or bomb planting at a specific bomb site (depends on which side you are on), Hostage rescue, and escape or assassination of VIPs. Of course, the round can be completed if the opposing side is wiped out as well (hehe i prefer this method). Scores are tabulated by comparing the number of kills, number of deaths and number of team wins. The wide variety of dress codes and weapons, accessories available make this game so much more fun and unique compared to other shooting themed games. View the fun facts of some of the accessories available in the game, courtesy of wikipedia, below.

Dress codes:
Counter-Terrorists: Counter-terrorist player skins are based on real-world international counter-terrorist forces.
SEAL Team 6 (DEVGRU) – Counter-terrorist unit of the United States of America. Olive drab camouflage, suitable for woodland maps.
GSG 9 – Counter-terrorist unit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Cerulean uniform with desert camouflage helmet. Camouflage suitable for urban maps.
SAS – Counter-terrorist unit of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Black camouflage and gas mask, suitable for any dark areas or night-time maps.
GIGN – Counter-terrorist unit of the French Republic. Navy blue uniform (with a riotsquad helmet in Counter Strike: Source), suitable for urban maps.

Terrorists: Terrorist player skins are based on fictitious terrorist cells.

Phoenix Connection – Terrorist cell formed out of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics during its fall. Based in and around Eastern Europe. Dark blue shirt with ski mask and ballistic vest, with winter camouflage trousers. May be mistaken for Counter-terrorist from afar, suitable for urban maps.
Elite Crew – Mysterious terrorist cell. Claims to have "world domination" as its objective and is based in and around the Middle East. Green jacket, khaki trousers, moderately suitable for desert maps, but more for woodland and jungle maps.
Arctic Avengers – Terrorist cell based in the Kingdom of Sweden. Winter camouflage, very suitable for snow maps, unsuitable for everything else.
Guerrilla Warfare – Terrorist cell based in South America and the Middle East. Dressed like a Rambo Impersonator, with a green vest and a red bandanna, suitable for woodland and jungle maps.

The weaponry is based on true weapons made and used in the real world, but the names have been changed slightly in later versions due to copyright issues from the actual maker. Another change would be that various weapons do not really reflect their true capabilities in true life because there was a need to balance the game. Examples include that of the GLOCK 18 pistol which lacks the auto fire mode as present in real life as it would then give the players a potent submachine gun, and the carbine also had its scope removed otherwise a whole load more players would be dying out there in the virtual world.

A fun fact for all CS lovers: spent bullet cases are ejected out of the wrong side of the gun simply because one of the designers was left handed and modeled the weapons being held in the left hand (ooo yea go leftists!) before mirroring this to the right hand, thus explaining the inaccuracy.

Now as usual, enjoy some videos below. The first is a very interesting remake of the movie 300 using CS.

The next video is rather nice to watch because of the screenplay and it just works very much like a movie. Enjoy.